Lately there have been reports of a deadly dog flu outbreak. As with many emerging diseases, details are not finalized at this time. In addition, there is some misinformation that has floated around regarding the disease itself. Here is what we know at this time:
Risk Factors:
Not all dogs are at high risk for contracting the canine influenza virus, or any other potential component of Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease for that matter. At risk dogs are those that frequently come into contact with other dogs. Places that this occur are dog parks, kennel facilities, training classes, Petsmart and other pet stores, grooming facilities and daycares. To minimize your dog's risk, keep him or her on a lease and limit nose to nose contact with other dogs. When possible, avoid at the at risk activities and locations listed above. We also recommend vaccinating at risk dogs for both canine influenza and bordetella bronchiseptica (kennel cough).
If you are concerned about your dog being at risk, we encourage you to get educated on the disease/ syndrome. It is advisable to read many sources and note the common themes, rather than the few outliers. We are working on articles to continue to educate our clients. Links to various articles are included below:
Canine Influenza Outbreak (Article from 2013)
Coughing Dogs (August 2014 "outbreak")
Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease (CIRD) (April 2015)
Canine Respiratory Disease Flare Up (June 2015)
Article written and published by Jeffrey R. Fink D.V.M.