COVID-19 Update
March 23rd, 2020
As of yesterday, Governor DeWine has issue an order to shelter in place beginning at 11:59 P.M. tonight that is statewide for Ohio. As a result, Veterinary Wellness partners continues to adjust to the guidelines and restrictions.
Like many clinics in the State of Ohio, we are beginning a protocol of not permitting public personnel/ clients into any of our buildings. This is being done to further protect our staff and our own families. Please read below for the changes and how we are going to be implementing them. In addition, please click on any of the links below to see what we have already instituted along the way. These new changes build upon those that we have previously implemented. Thank you for your understanding during these turbulent times. Our clinic doors will be locked to prevent clients from entering. We will get signage up on each door explaining our procedures.
Strict Curbside Patient Protocol
We are going to a strict curb-side service protocol effective at 11:59 P.M. tonight in conjunction with the onset of Governor DeWine's orders to shelter in place. When you arrive at one of our clinics, please call in and let us know. A staff member will come out to your vehicle to get your pet for their visit. We will use a clinic leash to bring them into the clinic. Please try to hand dogs off at arm's length. Cats should be in a carrier and the carrier can be placed on the ground prior to transfer. Once your pet is safely in the room and the doctor comes in, we will call you from a restricted number to discuss the reason for your visit. A thorough history can be taken via the phone, then a verbal description of the examination and findings will be relayed. The pet will be taken back to the car and any medications dispensed. Payment will also be via the phone or Cash/ check taken at the car window
Pick up of Medication and Food
Please call ahead with your desire to pick up a medication or a food for your pet. When you arrive at the clinic, please call. A staff member will take a payment via the phone and then deliver the food or medication outside. We will place the item at a predetermined location and then you can come pick up the item. This will help to limit contact between our staff and the many clients that we come into contact with every day.
Pet Euthanasias
This policy will apply to euthanasias in the following manner. Please call upon arrival and we will bring paperwork out to your vehicle. A staff member will take you pet inside and we will place an IV catheter. Once the catheter is in place, we will return to your vehicle or an outside location. Our staff will be wearing personal protective gear for their safety. At that point, the euthanasia solution can be administered, causing your pet to gentle experience an anesthetic effect prior to the completion of the euthanasia.
We are still performing most services, as they are each designed to either prevent disease or relieve pain and suffering. There are some services that are truly elective and will need to be delayed. These include very basic dental cleanings, castration procedures, minor lump and bump removals, and a few other things. If you are unsure, please call one of our clinics to discuss. We appreciate your understanding and respect of our doctors' decisions on these matters.
Farm Calls
For large animal, we are asking techs to hold horses and the owners to step back 6 feet. If necessary, horses can be tied temporarily, or the lead rope handed off at arm's length. For bovine farm calls, please respect the leading of our technicians and veterinarians. If we ask you to stand back, please understand our reasoning.
Personal Protective Equipment
There have been questions in various outlets regarding our usage of personal protective equipment (PPE). We do need to utilize PPE, in order to best protect ourselves. Most of the PPE that we use is slightly different from that of human hospitals. In addition, we are able to easily utilize reusable PPE (reuseable gowns, masks, etc.) without compromising any of our patients. We have had a staff member sew us cloth masks that we can wash and reuse to cut down on the masks that we typically use in the event that they would be needed by a local hospital or local first responders.
For Staff
We are still requiring you to take your temperature twice a day. Please call us if your temperature is above normal. In addition, if you are sick AT ALL, STAY Home. Call Missy (then Misty if Missy not available) to report your illness. We greatly appreciate each and every one of you working through these trying directives. There is a lot of time and effort that is begin spent upon every decision that is being made. You guys make us great!
To all, thank you for your understanding and patience during this time. We are blessed to continue to be able to provide exceptional service to our clients and their animals, our patients!