Our offices are continuing to monitor the Coronavirus situation and listening to the leaders of our state and nation. Currently we are taking the following steps;
1) We are wiping down door handles and areas every hour
2) We are offering car side delivery of medications with a call ahead and credit card payment via phone
3) We are limiting the number of clients in each room to one per appointment. If you have multiple family members, they will be asked to remain in your car. We can take your pet in if there is a reason to remain in your car
4) We are requesting that anybody with respiratory signs cancel their appointments.
5) Our staff is washing hands regularly
6) We are abiding by the social distancing rules of no handshakes and trying to keep personal space of 6 feet whenever possible.
7) We recommend that you call to get 60 day supplies of any needed medications
8) We highly recommend using our online store if you order online. As things get more and more limited, we can continue to supply medications via this route. If offices need to limit staff, we will only be able to service online orders through our online store. IN addition, this supports us directly, sticking with the spirit of BUYING LOCAL.
9) We are limiting our usage of facemasks by reusing disposable face masks as often as we can. We are also ordering fabric, washable, reusable masks to replace the disposable ones.
Please call our office and ask if you have any questions or concerns.