Mystery Dog Illness in Ohio
Many people have called with concerns about the "mystery dog illness" that has been reported in the state of Ohio. Please read the following information to better understand the state of the investigation at this present time. We have placed some key points in bold lettering to highlight some important areas. Please note that there have been no new cases within the past four weeks as of the publishing of this article. We are hoping that the scare is in the past.
Here is the latest information on the recently reported "Mystery Illness" that was seen in 8 dogs in Ohio. This information comes directly from the Ohio Veterinary Medical Association and the Ohio Department of Agriculture:
The point to emphasize is that routine, common sense should prevail in this case. Perhaps the media, in an attempt to inform people, has created a panic that is premature and unnecessary. We are of course concerned about any and all animals that become sick. Preventive measures include keeping your pet in sanitary conditions and away from the excrement (feces) of other animals. There are many other infections that can be contracted from direct contact with the fecal matter of other animals. This includes canine parvovirus and intestinal parasites, some of which can also be spread to humans.
We recommend that any animal that is experiencing signs of illness be evaluated by one of our veterinarians as soon as possible. Early detection and early treatment always provide your pet with the best chance of recovery.